IP Targeting – Cookie Free B2C & B2B Digital Advertising

We Help You Reach Your Audience & Target Local Customers That Matters!


Boost Brand Awareness, Drive Websites and In-store visits, Increase Participation in Venue Ticketing Sales.

What Is Local IP Targeting And Why Is It Important For Digital Marketing Advertising?

IP Targeting is an online advertising system that allows you to target unique users at specific household or business addresses. Your digital ads appear on all devices – home computers, tablets, cell phones – as your targeted audience visits news sites, email portals, and other popular sites across the web.

IP targeting works by matching IP addresses (internet locations) to physical street addresses.

Your ads reach the exact target addresses, so you have zero wasted impressions or budget. IP targeting campaigns can cost a fraction of radio, print, or television advertisements. In fact, with up to 80% of traditional advertising failing to reach your target audience, consider how much money you could save by getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time.

How does it work?

IP Targeting does not use cookies, and that is revolutionary in the digital advertising world. Patent-pending IP algorithm determines the IP address based on the physical address, which is then used for precise digital ad targeting at the IP/router level. This type of targeting is beneficial for advertisers because it incorporates offline data, i.e., registered voter lists, customer databases, modeled data, and direct mail data.

Targeting / Boost Brand to Customers

Venue / GeoFraming ™ Demographic Mapping

Captive Audience / Targeting Locations, Not Households

Digital Canvassing / Neighborhood Target Mapping

Political Campaigns / Target Specific Voters On One-To-One Personal Level. 


What Makes Us The Best Digital Marketing and Technology Company Locally Near You?

We’re a digital marketing agency with a technology foundation—a Combination of Automation and Human Touch. For the past 20+ years, we focus on all digital marketing services to help your businesses and organizations grow online. We’re focused on getting you to value for money with the best applicable outcomes, which helps us become the best Digital and Technology agency ranked by several publications. Trusted and Vetted locally.

Tridence Digital Marketing agency that helps Brands thrive in the digital age.

In today’s world, combining traditional marketing and digital advertising is the best way to get in front of thousands of customers fast and easy. IP targeting takes digital advertising to the next level. Now, you can direct your marketing to exactly the right customer in the right place at the right time.


“Stop worrying about Re-Targeting data due to lack of traffic with existing cookie-based solutions that are difficult to integrate due to technical limitations and current data privacy laws.”


IP (Audience) Targeting is a way for Businesses to reach likely consumers with precision and scale based on their past online and offline behaviors, interests, location, and demographic information. This allows you to build an audience profile not just based on your customers’ online habits but off-line habits as well, providing the most accurate picture of customer behavior available from any location-based platform. Combine audience targeting with geofencing mobile ads, weather targeting, and brand analytics to create the most sophisticated mobile geo-targeting of its kind.


Advertise using IP Targeting. Let us prove to you how Tridence customers gain an edge with hyper-accurate targeting. Let’s provide a detailed behavioral customer list from your own CRM data. 


Behavioral Audience Targeting. Behavioral Audience Targeting combines visitation behaviors with demographic information to build sophisticated audience profiles. This data can then be used to target potential customers based on consumer lifestyle and interests.


What is Proximity (Location Audience) Targeting? Proximity Targeting is a geomarketing (geo-fencing) technique that uses mobile location services to reach consumers in real-time when they are around a store location or point of interest. This is done by defining a radius around a specific location. With Location Audience Targeting, you can target potential customers based on their real-time location and location history. With the highest quality data, you can target based on people who have visited any location, be it your own brand, a competitor, or selecting by category within a specified timeframe.


The Spear by Tridence Mission: Using Data and Technology to accurately understand offline consumer behavior and focus on relevance, insights, and predictability; while maintaining the standards of ethics, compliance, and privacy protection.

Launch An IP Targeting Campaign!
Start running an IP Targeting campaign today by contacting us below!

Location-Based Marketing Technology

Here’s something you might not know. Even in today’s connected world, understanding how your customers behave on-the-ground is crucial. Identifying, with pinpoint accuracy, who these customers are, and how they behave can open up incredible possibilities for your business.


With cutting-edge location-based marketing technology, you get a unique view of physical consumer behavior, like where they are, where they’ve been, and predict where they may go next, and even account for localized weather conditions—all giving you the tools and insights to make smarter decisions for your business.

100% Cookie-Free IP Targeting & Device Targeting

While other online advertising tools use online cookie data, Tridence with its Data partner uses offline data. Offline data is verified and drastically reduces the potential of non-human bot traffic. We fuse direct mail with digital advertising by onboarding and unifying your customer data. We’re like the digital postman for the online world.


As a marketing organization focused on sales, not metrics, Tridence ad tech brings the location-specific accuracy of direct mail to digital advertising. Through our patented IP Targeting technology, we target digital ads to your customer by matching their IP address with their physical address, bringing a wide variety of banner and display ads to the sites the targeted customer visits on the Internet.


Specifically, Tridence Partner offers:


digital marketing agency near me Targeting without having to use cookies, census blocks, or geo-location tools.

digital marketing agency near me Flexibility to add conversion pixels and remarketing pixels.

digital marketing agency near me Automatic blocking of adult and low-quality spam sites.

digital marketing agency near me IP Targeted video advertising.

What makes the IP address of a household so valuable?

An Internet Protocol address (IP) is a unique number assigned to your network. There are a finite amount of IPs in the United States, so they stay with networks from several months to several years at a time.  Tridence realized that we could match IP addresses to people’s mailing addresses based on the algorithm that’s patented through technology.  This was the first time a company delivered display advertisements to a specific household without using cookies.



Tridence gives businesses and organizations the ability to target customers hyper-accurately through the use of IP Targeting technology. The infrastructure of Tridence is fully integrated with their demand-side platform to help digitally serve these advertisements to specific IP addresses. You can now take any mailing list data you may have and target them based on their home or business address. Tridence typically matches 50-60% of the list provided by customers to IPs and will let you know who they are targeting before the digital advertising campaign.


IP Retargeting

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We match postal addresses to IPs with exact precision so advertisers can serve one-to-one targeted digital display and video ads to individual households or buildings using the IP as the entry point.

Captive Audience

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In an Account Based Marketing format, target digital ads to entire companies, college campuses, hotels, trade shows, conventions and other venues where masses gather via the locations’ IP addresses.

Venue Replay

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Venue Replay allows you to capture people’s Device IDs at events they attend, where they work, where they study, where they shop, and maps the device back to a household address for targeting.

Digital New Movers

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Target pre, escrow, and new movers in almost real time. Our system refreshes twice daily and connects businesses, and advertisers to consumers in hours, rather than weeks.

Digital Canvassing

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Take your CRM, or new customer list and target their neighbors with ads. Digital Canvassing looks at the street name and relative distance of intersections and appends IP’s to their respective homes located within 500 meters of a pre-defined target.

Reverse Append

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Send a highly targeted & trigger based direct mail offer to unknown website visitors via the reverse IP targeting algorithm by mapping that IP address back to a physical address.

Political Advertising

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The Future of Political Advertising. With IP Targeting and Account Based Marketing approaches, we target your specific voters on a one-to-one level. There is no other online marketing company that can target voters the way we do. We match a physical address to IP at a 95%+ accuracy, which makes IP Targeting a secret weapon for political campaigns. We don’t target “zones or clusters”, we target real people in real households at the IP level. By using voter databases and CRM data lists, you can be ensured that your political marketing is relevant and effective to the household you’re targeting!

Where will my Ads Appear?

Tridence with its Data partner places ads on over 1 billion websites. This is what allows us to serve nearly 30-50 billion advertising impressions per day. We serve on about 90% of the daily available ad inventory online. Popular sites where Tridence places ads include but are not limited to: Weather Channel, ESPN, Yahoo, CNN, and more.

Local businesses that can benefit from IP marketing strategies include:

HVAC Companies and Plumbers
Landscaping and Lawn Services
Law Firms
Insurance Companies
Fuel Delivery Services and Logistics
Restaurants and Hospitality
Realtors and Real Estate Agents
Auto Dealerships
Colleges, Universities, and Charter Schools
Banks and Financial Institutions
Local Shops and Retailers
Barber Shops and Hair Salons
Solar Installation Companies
Venus, Entertainment, Sporting Events, Theatre/Broadway, and Expos
Cruise Lines and Tourism
Associations and Non-Profit Organizations
Political Campaigns


Leverage Offline CRM Data to Enhance Online Conversions. Contact Tridence today.

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